AgileLayer frameworks and professional services optimize business transformations through a Capabilities-driven strategy to execution approach.

About Us

About Us

Leveraging Capabilities-driven Innovation, Planning and Business Architecture techniques to drive business transformation requires enterprises to successfully adapt their approach to business modeling, governance and project & capability portfolio management.

AgileLayer's tools, templates, methods and expertise provide a pragmatic, holistic and sustainable approach to executing innovation & transformation programs and improving overall business performance and agility.

AgileLayer enables enterprises to: (1) optimize business innovation and transformation investments; (2) accelerate implementation of a Capabilities-driven strategy-to-execution approach; and (3) successfully and systemically inculcate the requisite skills, models and methods across enterprise domains and disciplines.

Innovation Leader

AgileLayer staff are senior Business and IT practitioners with deep experience in business modeling, architecture and related methodologies. AgileLayer's innovation leadership includes the following achievements:

  • Developed industry-first Domain-driven methodology for Service/API identification, planning and specification.
  • Successfully applied Business Capabilities Engineering™ principles and methods at leading Global 1000 organizations to drive their business transformation programs.
  • Developed industry-first Business Capabilities Engineering™ software product and associated methodology.
  • Developed industry-first Business Capabilities Engineering™ Life Cycle and Governance reference model.
  • Developed industry-first fully templated Business Architecture enablement program.